Lector's Ministry
Are you called to proclaim the Word of God?
All those baptized receive gifts from the Spirit … gifts that can be used in a variety of ways to serve the Lord and each other. Answering the call to become a Lector allows you to enter into a deeper relationship with God, as God is revealed in sacred scripture. We need you! If you feel called into this ministry, please send us an e-mail ( or call the parish office (301-856-3880).

Altar Server's Ministry
Serving at God’s altar is one of the most effective ways that people can deepen their understanding of their faith and begin to recognize that active participation at Mass is rewarding at many levels. When we discover that serving God and the church is rewarding – we are much more likely to develop it as a habit. This helps us to grow closer to God and to the church.

Knights of Columbus
We are Catholic men who lead, serve, protect and defend. We share a desire to be better husbands, fathers, sons, neighbors and role models and to put charity and community first.
For more information CLICK HERE